Distance walked today 22km
Total distance walked 260 km
Distance to St Jean 500 km approximately Read the rest of this entry »

distance walked  21.5 Kms
Today l walked out of the Gite and done my best impression of Bambi on ice as the road was covered in a thin layer of sheet ice ❄ and a thin fresh layer of  snow. Not what I had expected.
The walking was mostly off road and through hilly forest tracks but a bitter cold wind meant that gloves hat and scalf
were essential to keep warm. I feel sorry for any one walking without warm clothing today.


Snow on the Camino.


Getting a bit closer every day.


Starting Roche, shrine on the Camino.


The words to this Psalm seem to strike a cord just before l set out on my journey.


Arrived at Least Puy and checked into my Gite. have my own room so far with Four bunks to choose from. Shower has the seemingly standard broken shower head but plenty of hot water. Today
Today I met my first fellow pilgrims,mostly seem french but met one girl from Dublin who also starts tomorrow and is walking to Santiago.
Walked up to Start Michaels  Chapel Aguilera  to admire the view.


Me with  Michaels de Aiguilhe Chapel in the foreground, A bit of a climb but worthing it for the wonderful views.


inside Notre-Dame LePuy Cathedral.


black Madonna in Notre-Dame Cathedral Le Puy.
Clothing is changed every season.


Notre-Dame De France looking from St Michael chapel.


St Jacques or in Spain St James. The whole reason that the Camino exists.


My lunch, Tartalin Salmon and Goats cheese on a crust.Delicious and only 3 euro.


Hi all, I am sat waiting for my train to Leon Puy and thought it Would be a good time to give an update.
I loved my short time in lovely Lyon, It’s a beautiful city although a little chilling and overcast today.
The hostel was very modern located in the Arab district and people were great and almost all spoke English. My nights sleep was reasonably but had some weird dreams. Made sure to have Had a large Breakfast for 5 Euro,s and 2 cups of coffee to kick start my day.
Soon l will be in Le Puy where my Camino adventures.👞 really begin .Starting to think l have overpacked again and am debating what I Can off load!!!
Watch for my next post from LePuy.


standing outside Leon station before boarding my train to Leon Puy.


Chickens on a spit in Lyons Arab Quarter.


Candles in the Cathedral.


Lot of ornate water fonts in Leon for filling your bottle or for thirsty dogs to drink from.


Hi All

Managed to fit in another training walk Monday , this time I stepped up the distance and covered about 22 km . finished a bit weary and minus my best walking hat which decided to jump out my back pack  and make a bid for freedom.

Part of the plan was to stop on my return at the Plough Pub Ripple for lunch but I did,nt plan on it being closed  so arrived home a bit tired and hungry.All good practice for the real experience.

Also I have started learning a bit of Spanish as I not much  good at sign language or shirads and received my first guide-book from Amazon for a little bed time reading.

Thanks so far..

Went for a short training walk today after  an hours gym session .

Along Deal seafront and through the town. Not really long enough, but a start and Peggy my personal trainer enjoyed the fresh air.

Thanks so much too all the generous people who have sponsored me so far.

I have already exceeded my target amount. Think I should have set a higher target.

Lets see if we can double it so keep it coming and tell your friend to visit my page.

Thanks so much for now. I will try to keep you up to date on how my preparations are going

so  keep checking . David

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